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The 7th World Congress has ended

The President Teachers' Trade Union "Podkrepa", Mr. Petrov together with the General Secretary of EI- Mr. Fred van Leeuwen.

The 7th Congress nominated and voted for Executive board, regional bureau and a committee, which will work at the high level for the next 4 years.

Teachers' Trade Union "Podkrepa" has participated actively in all sessions during the Congress. 

The President Teachers' Trade Union "Podkrepa", Mr. Petrov has made contacts with teachers trade unions from different countries as Mexico, Georgia, Africa.


7th World congress

Teachers' Trade Union "Podkrepa" takes part in all activities within the 7th World congress of EI .

"Education International" is the biggest educational organization in the world, as it has in its structure organizations, situated in 5 continental offices:

 - Africa office;

- Asia-Pacific office;

- Europe office;

- Carribean office; 

Latin America office.

Education International is the voice of teachers and officers in the education worldwide. The structure includes 396 associations and trade unions from 171 countries. It represents 32 500 000 teachers and specialists for support of students in the schools from early childhood to university. 

Round table

On 23.01.2015 there was a round table in Plovdiv.

International activity